Doug Morby Stories and Thoughts
Trapped On Ben Lomond

In the town where I was born, there is very large and beautiful mountain called Ben Lomond - The name Ben Lomond comes from early Scottish settlers. Someone said it resembled the mountain of the same name in their country of Scotland. The Ben Lomond in Scotland is located east of Loch Lomond. Its name translates into “Beacon Peak”. Me and my brothers spent much of our younger years hiking this ten thousand foot landmark.
One afternoon my Brother Dave, who today is still an avid explorer and outdoorsman, began hiking the shear cliffs of Ben Lomond. This is something he had done many times, however this time…something went wrong…whether he lost concentration, or took a wrong turn, or just lost his way…he found himself trapped on a ledge with a drop of over 500 feet. To have fallen would have meant certain death. He did not know what to do – he could not go higher – things seemed impossible to the left and unreachable to the right. The ledge itself was only a few inches to cling onto…things looked bleak and he began to tremble. – he was losing strength as the sun began to fade over the horizon of the great salt lake. He knew he had made a tremendous mistake and knew of no way out.
Have you ever felt like this before? I think in life we all make mistakes from time to time. We sometimes make a wrong turn – or even lose our way. Sometimes we feel that we are trapped with nowhere to turn.
Dave began to pray – things were bleak – yet he trusted Heavenly Father…after a few minutes, he began to think very clearly and without hesitation, he was able to compose himself and work his way to safer ground. The Lord had helped him through this dangerous situation.
I hope when we reach difficulties in life through sin or tragedy or when we feel trapped, burdened or with nowhere to turn - we will turn to the Savior – he will help us though – He is the Master.
Doug Morby
tags- doug morby, douglas morby, dc morby, ben lomond, north ogden utah
One afternoon my Brother Dave, who today is still an avid explorer and outdoorsman, began hiking the shear cliffs of Ben Lomond. This is something he had done many times, however this time…something went wrong…whether he lost concentration, or took a wrong turn, or just lost his way…he found himself trapped on a ledge with a drop of over 500 feet. To have fallen would have meant certain death. He did not know what to do – he could not go higher – things seemed impossible to the left and unreachable to the right. The ledge itself was only a few inches to cling onto…things looked bleak and he began to tremble. – he was losing strength as the sun began to fade over the horizon of the great salt lake. He knew he had made a tremendous mistake and knew of no way out.
Have you ever felt like this before? I think in life we all make mistakes from time to time. We sometimes make a wrong turn – or even lose our way. Sometimes we feel that we are trapped with nowhere to turn.
Dave began to pray – things were bleak – yet he trusted Heavenly Father…after a few minutes, he began to think very clearly and without hesitation, he was able to compose himself and work his way to safer ground. The Lord had helped him through this dangerous situation.
I hope when we reach difficulties in life through sin or tragedy or when we feel trapped, burdened or with nowhere to turn - we will turn to the Savior – he will help us though – He is the Master.
Doug Morby
tags- doug morby, douglas morby, dc morby, ben lomond, north ogden utah